Local version of asteroidos.org

From AsteroidOS
Revision as of 17:49, 26 June 2023 by Beroset (talk | contribs) (added category)

This web site can be built and run locally within a software container, such as those created by container engines like Docker or podman. One reason for doing this is to be able to install and build the documentation without having to load the collection of tools on your real computer. Building and running a documentation server in a local container is the topic of this page.\ This documentation will use podman, but the commands for docker are identical. If you wish to use docker instead of podman, just substitute docker for podman in each of the commands shown below.

Rootless setup

In case the commands described in the next sections fail, try to either prepend sudo to them or log in as root via e.g su root.\ You can manually set up rootless container use on a Linux distribution that has not automatically done this for you while installing the container engine, by following the official instructions.

sudo usermod --add-subuids 100000-165535 --add-subgids 100000-165535 USERNAME

Building the web site

podman build -t asteroidos-web \

This will create an asteroidos-web image which is only around 236 MB and based on the Alpine Linux distribution.

Running locally

This section describes how to make changes to the documentation locally and try them out in a container.

Create a local version of this repository with git clone https://github.com/AsteroidOS/asteroidos.org.git. Then go into that directory with cd asteroidos.org.

This will start the container and run it in the background with the tag asteroidos-web.

podman run --rm --detach \
  --name asteroidos-web \
  --publish 8080:80 \
  --volume "$(pwd)":/tmp/asteroidos.org:z \

After the initial clone of asteroidos.org you need to install the node dependencies first before grunt works

podman exec asteroidos-web npm install

This will rebuild the website and you will be able to see it by pointing your browser to localhost:8080/.

podman exec asteroidos-web grunt

If you decide to make changes to your copy of the website, you can make the changes and then rebuild by running grunt again within the container.

Running the unmodified version

Note: if you want to simply run and view the unmodified version, you can simply use:

podman run --rm --detach --publish 8080:80 asteroidos-web

This will run the version of the website within the container that existed when the container was constructed.