Backup Guide

From AsteroidOS
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Before flashing AsteroidOS to your watch to replace WearOS, we advise to make a complete backup.

Manual backup method

  1. Temporarily install AsteroidOS
    Follow the install instructions for a temporary installation. Once booted into AsteroidOS, we can enable SSH or ADB with root access to all partitions on the internal storage.
  2. Enable SSH or ADB
    Open the settings app and the USB page. Select SSH Mode to enable SSH. Or ADB Mode to use ADB connection.
  3. Copy mmcblk0 into a local image file
    • Backup using SSH and dd
    Navigate to a folder where you want to store the backup. Or add a full path before the image name (after of=) in the next command.
    ssh root@19#16##15 "dd if=/dev/mmcblk0" | dd "of=watch-backup.img" bs=4096 status=progress
    • Backup using ADB
    adb pull /dev/mmcblk0 watch-backup.img

The copy process might take up to an hour on watches with 8GB of storage.

Scripted backup and restore

Beroset has written a set of tools to make working with watches from a Linux computer very convenient. This backup guide will only cover the backup and restore features of asteroid-hosttools. Please be sure to read the asteroid-hosttools documentation to make use of the full capabilities they provide.

  1. Clone asteroid-hosttools
    Clone the asteroid-hosttools using the following command:
    git clone
    And change into the asteroid-hosttools directory:
    cd asteroid-hosttools
  2. Temporarily install AsteroidOS
    Adapt <watch-codename> in the following commands according to your watches codename listed on the Watches page. I.e dory for the LG G Watch or sturgeon for the Huawei Watch.
    ./flashy <watch-codename> --temp --nightly
  3. Backup the entire watch
    Following command will create a file called original-<watch-codename>.img.
    ./watch-image <watch-codename> --save
  4. Restore a backup
    To restore the backup image created in step 3, make sure the original-<watch-codename>.img file exists.
    Then issue the restore command:
    ./watch-image <watch-codename> --restore