Galaxy Gear 2
The Gear 2 is a Tizen-based smartwatch released in 2014. See gsmarena for detailed specs. There are two variants of this watch - Gear 2 (SM-R380) and Gear 2 Neo (SM-R381), which are identical save for a camera that's only present on the Gear 2. The codename for this watch is "rinato".
As the vendor kernel is very old (3.4) and there's no existing abstraction for the Tizen HAL, a mainline Linux port for this watch is being attempted instead.
Downstream sources available at https://github.com/casept/linux-exynos3250-common/tree/rinato, as Samsung no longer hosts them.
Hardware docs and kernel support
These are maintained on the postmarketOS wiki page for this device.
Current port state
This watch is being worked on here.
Currently (June 2024) the watch boots and the launcher starts, but due to a possible bug in the kernel side of the graphics stack trying to launch any app results in a lockup and the kernel emitting a warning.